Tuesday 17 April 2012

Varkhasana (tree pose)

Varksha is the Sanskrit for tree. In varkhasana, the one-legged balance is reminiscent of the strength and energy of the trunk of a tree.

Varkhasana, as in all single-legged balance posture, should be practices equally on both legs. Varkhasana and Utthita trikonasana (extended triangle) complement each other because of the work needed to stabilize and open the hips.

Verbal cues:
1.       In Tadasana (Mountain Pose), find a point somewhere in front of you to focus on. Soften you gaze and remain fixed on that area. Breathe deeply and feel your body come into alignment.
2.       Slowly and smoothly, shift your body weight onto the right leg and begin to pull your left knee up toward your chest. Find the balance on your right foot front to back. Be sure not to let the left side of your hip drop down.
3.       Keeps your right hip pressing back; it should almost feel as if you are overcompensating. Keep your pelvis square while you bring the left knees out to the left side. Feel the front of your right hip and the inside of your left knee reaching away from each other.
4.       As you extend your tailbone down toward the floor place the sole of your left foot on the inside of your right leg anywhere that you feel you are comfortably, yet challenging, balanced. Press firmly.
5.       Moving slowly, place your hands in namaskara (greeting position) with your palms pressed together at the level of your heart.
6.       Continue to focus on your breath.
7.       As you breathe in, raise your arms overhead and feel your chest and ribs lift higher away from your hips. Remain here for two to three more breaths.
8.       Slowly release your arms and legs and loosen up the joints of your right legs. Come back to Tadasana to prepare for the other side.
·         builds concentration and focus
·         Reduce stress- it is nearly impossible to worry and remain balanced at the same time
·         Develops strength and stability in the feet and ankles
·         Stabilizes and strengthens both the superficial and deep hip muscles
·       Said to balance pituitary gland because of the added pressure on the first metatarsal for balance
·         Increase overall body strength

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1 comment:

  1. Yoga is very good part for your beautiful body and your health. If you want to learn more watch this video:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=algCfKIxx_Y&list=UUbDOIkHbQjyitCWLvjkuofg
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