Tuesday 31 January 2012


In Sanskrit, bhujanga means snake and this position looks like the cobra rising up its head.

Bhujangnasana is a flat back bending position with many variations. In simple form, the chest is lifted off the floor with the arms at the sides. This position is a part of the classical sun salutation.

Verbal signs:
1. From flat position with the chin resting on the floor, take the hands under the shoulders, point the fingers forward and press the upper arms into sides.
2. Move the shoulder blades in direction of the hips and put the pelvis under to extend the spine.
3. Push the hips into the floor and keep the legs active and pressing toward the toes.
4. Inhale and lift the chest forward and up, feel the ribcage move away from the hips. Reach the peak of the head up.
5. While inhaling, feel the spine stretched and while breathing out feel the shoulders descend down away from the ears. Keep the hips on the ground.
6. Notice your body slowly lift as you inhale deeply and lower as you breathe out.
7. To exit the position, exhale and slowly lower the abdomen and chest back to the floor from the bottom of the torso to the top.

This asana increases range of motion in the spine.
It toughens and stretches the spine.
It helps release the chest and shoulders from pain.
It boosts up circulation through the lungs and abdomen.
It rejuvenates the legs.
It relieves the pain from herniated disks and sciatica.

Females should avoid this asana during pregnancy.

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